AAPPA Bylaws

/AAPPA Bylaws
AAPPA Bylaws2010-01-28T19:59:08-04:00



Section A


The Officers and Board of Directors of AAPPA shall be President, Vice President for Technology & Communications, Vice President for Membership/Treasurer and Vice President for Education/Secretary.

  1. The Board of Directors shall recommend policy to the body of AAPPA. It shall investigate and recommend on all questions of membership and on the organization of the Chapter to AAPPA members. It shall recommend expenditures from the funds held by the Treasurer to AAPPA members. The Board shall approve programs, the site, dates and registration fee for all business meetings. The Board shall establish and maintain and approve format for conducting the business and meetings of the Chapter. The Board shall meet at its discretion to properly conduct the affairs of the Chapter.
  2. Normally two AAPPA officers positions will be filled every Spring meeting.
  3. The Board may designate such positions as may be deemed appropriate to carry out the purposes and the activities of AAPPA.

Section B

Terms of Office:

The officers and directors shall be elected at the Spring business meeting held in accordance with Article VII by a majority of the qualifying voters present. They shall serve to the conclusion of the term following their election, except where otherwise provided or until their successors have been elected and certified.

1. President

The President shall assume office as President at the AAPPA Spring Meeting and shall serve a term of two years and can serve for three consecutive terms in this office.

Powers and Duties:

  1. Shall be the executive officer and shall be responsible, for the general supervision and direction of the affairs of AAPPA and shall preside at the AAPPA Meetings.
  2. Shall have the authority to appoint committees of AAPPA not otherwise provided for; and shall advise the Board of Directors of the appointments.
  3. Shall, in the event of a vacancy among the officers, with concurrence of a majority of the remaining Board members, appoint a replacement.
  4. Notice of such appointments shall be given to all Board members in writing.
  5. Act as the ERAPPA Chapter Affairs Representative. As Chapter Affairs Representative shall thoroughly acquaint him/herself with the workings of the ERAPPA Board of Directors and ERAPPA’s goals and objectives in order that he/she may provide capable leadership at ERAPPA meetings.
  6. Coordinate necessary ERAPPA Board member’s visits to the Chapter.

2. Vice President for Education

The Vice President for Education/Secretary shall be elected at the AAPPA Spring. He/she will serve two-year term, and can serve two consecutive terms in this office.

Powers and Duties:

  1. Shall serve as the representative on the ERAPPA Education Committee.
  2. Shall act as advisor for educational programs for Chapter meetings.

3. Vice President for Technology & Communication/Secretary

The Vice President for Technology & Communication/Secretary shall be elected at the AAPPA Spring Meeting. He/she shall serve a term of two years, and can serve two consecutive terms in this office.

Powers and Duties:

  1. Shall serve as the representative on the ERAPPA Technology and Communications Committee.
  2. Shall act as principal officer for communications.
  3. Shall record and maintain the minutes of the AAPPA meetings, and of the Board of Directors meetings, and other general meetings.
  4. Shall, under the direction of the President, be responsible for all records of AAPPA and shall serve as the AAPPA Historian.

4. Vice President for Membership/Treasurer.

The Vice President for Membership shall be elected at the spring meeting. He / She shall serve a term of two years, and can serve two consecutive terms in this office.

Powers and Duties:

  1. Serve as the representative on the ERAPPA Membership Committee.
  2. Ensure all appropriate institutions are aware of APPA, ERAPPA, AAPPA and their activities.
  3. Serves as principle liaison for the Board with Emeritus Members.
  4. Receive and account for all funds from the AAPPA meetings and activities.
  5. Disburse all funds for expenditures as authorized at the AAPPA meetings for expenses as required.
  6. Render an itemized, written report of revenues and expenses at the AAPPA Meetings and Board of Directors Meetings.
  7. Prepare a proposed new annual budget for approval by the Board and members.

