AAPPA Bylaws

/AAPPA Bylaws
AAPPA Bylaws2010-01-28T19:59:08-04:00



Section A

  1. The voting representative of a member institution or system shall be entitled to:
  2. Attend regular and special meetings of AAPPA.
  3. Receive a copy of proceedings of the business meetings as may be printed or of other publications as may be distributed by the AAPPA as determined by the Board of Directors.
  4. Bring guests to the meetings.
  5. Vote on motions presented at the business meetings of AAPPA in accordance with Article III, Section B, above.
  6. Be elected to, and hold office in, AAPPA and vote at Board of Directors meetings in accordance with the provisions of Article V.
  7. Engage in discussions and presentations during technical sessions at the annual meetings.

Section B

Associate Members shall be entitled to:

  1. Attend regular and special meetings of AAPPA.
  2. Receive a copy of proceedings of the business meeting as may be printed or of other publications as may be distributed by AAPPA as determined by the Board of Directors.
  3. Bring guests to the meetings.
  4. Engage in discussions and presentations during technical sessions at the business meetings.
  5. Be elected to, and hold office in, AAPPA and vote at Board of Directors meetings in accordance with the provisions of Article V.

Section C

  1. Affiliate Members shall be entitled to:
  2. Attend regular and special meetings of AAPPA.
  3. Receive a copy of proceedings of the business meetings or other publications as may be distributed by AAPPA as determined by the Board of Directors.
  4. Bring guests to the meetings.
  5. Engage in discussions and presentations during technician’s sessions at business meetings.
  6. Shall be entitled to hold elected, or appointed office.

Section D

Business Partners shall be entitled to:

  1. Attend regular and special meetings of AAPPA.
  2. Receive a copy of proceedings of the business meetings or other publications as may be distributed by AAPPA as determined by the Board.
  3. Bring guests to the meetings.
  4. Engage in discussions and presentations during the technical sessions at business meetings.
  5. Shall be entitled to hold committee appointed office but not entitled to hold any elected office.

Section E

Emeritus Members shall be entitled to:

  1. Attend regular and special meetings of AAPPA.
  2. Upon request receive a copy of proceedings of the business meetings as may be printed or other publications as may be distributed by AAPPA as determined by the Board of Directors.
  3. Bring guests to the meetings.
  4. Engage in discussions and presentations during the technical sessions.
  5. Shall be entitled to hold committee appointed office but not entitled to hold any elected office.

